Working With You to Answer Important Questions
As your needs, income, resources, and experience with the markets change, your investments should be rebalanced as well. Together we will review your situation and I will make recommendations for creating appropriate financial solutions.
Are you properly diversified?
I will review your current asset allocation and recommend appropriate investments based on your risk tolerance and objectives. (Diversification does not eliminate the risks of investing; losses are possible in a diversified portfolio).
- Do you need to save for future college tuition costs?
- I will help you estimate those costs, and develop an action plan to start the saving process.
- Do you have questions about life and/or disability insurance?
- I will review any policies you currently hold and present you with additional policies to consider, if you need to add to your existing insurance policies.
- Do you have questions on how to pay for nursing home (or in-home) care costs?
- I will review the various options with you and can recommend a Long-Term-Care policy for your consideration.
- Are you saving sufficiently for your retirement years?
- I will help you develop and save toward a customized retirement plan. If a potential shortfall appears, I can recommend ways to get back on track.
- Are there specific questions to which your are seeking answers?
Please contact me if you would like a personalized response to your own questions.